The team

Organized as a large consortium (21 French laboratories with strong Canadian, Danish and US partnerships), REFUGE-ARCTIC team is large and combines many expertises:

- The physics team (ISTERRE, LOCEAN, LOPS, Takuvik, Aarhus U., Manitoba U., UQAR) is a synergistic combination of experts covering physical oceanography, sea ice dynamics and optics, and glaciology.

- The geochemical team (GET, MIO, LSCE, LOCEAN, LEGOS, IGE, Takuvik, UVic) uses geochemical trace element and isotope tracers that provide unique information about the sources, exchange processes and fluxes of elements, nutrients and contaminants at the ocean interfaces.

- The marine productivity and biodiversity team (BIOM, LECOB, LEMAR, LOMIC, MNHN, Roscoff, Takuvik, DFO, MUN, Stanford U, U. of Oslo) will combine their expertise to assess the effects of all these processes on the activity and diversity of biological communities from almost all trophic levels, helping underpin their role on element cycling and providing the background knowledge to understand future changes in biodiversity.

- The paleoceanography team (EPOC, LOCEAN, LPG, LSCE, Aarhus U., GEUS, UNB, UQAR) will reconstruct the paleo-dynamics of sea ice, ice caps and associated marine terminating glaciers and their implications on the functioning of the local ecosystem of the northern sector of Nares Strait and Lincoln Sea.

- The modeling team (LIENSs, LOCEAN, LS2N, Takuvik, AWI, CSU, MIT, NASA-JPL) will interface with all other work packages. It brings along transdisciplinary modeling expertise necessary to disentangle the diverse mechanisms operating at various scales of complexity responsible for the plankton responses to glaciers-sea ice-ocean interactions.

REFUGE-ARCTIC will contribute to the international effort to sample an unexplored region of the AO and understand past, present and future changes in the Arctic, assess impacts, and inform Arctic and global communities by providing comprehensive information and a benchmark to protect the Arctic environment and its ecosystems.

A large international consortium


Mathieu Ardyna

Mathieu Ardyna

PI & WP2 - Biogeochemical cycles and contaminants

Mathieu Ardyna is a biological oceanographer interested in understanding phytoplankton dynamics in polar environments. His main research focuses are on how environmental drivers and changes are altering phytoplankton phenology, productivity and structure in polar waters.

Marcel Babin

Marcel Babin

Co-PI & WP1 - Atmosphere-ocean-ice dynamics

Marcel Babin is a senior biological oceanographer and an expert in marine optics and microalgal photophysiology. His research includes radiative transfer simulations, lab and field work on microalgal photosynthesis and growth, and experimental and theoretical studies on seawater optical properties.

The WP leaders

Peter Sutherland

Peter Sutherland

WP1 - Atmosphere-ocean-ice dynamics
Jeroen Sonke

Jeroen Sonke

WP2 - Biogeochemical cycles and contaminants
Rémi Amiraux

Rémi Amiraux

WP3 - Marine ecosystem productivity and biodiversity
Eva Ortega-Retuerta

Eva Ortega-Retuerta

WP3 - Marine ecosystem productivity and biodiversity
Audrey Limoges

Audrey Limoges

WP4 - Paleoceanography
Philippe Martinez

Philippe Martinez

WP4 - Paleoceanography
Vincent Le Fouest

Vincent Le Fouest

WP5 - Modeling
Samuel Chaffron

Samuel Chaffron

WP5 - Modeling