The expedition


The Arctic Ocean is warming at an accelerating rate, with disastrous consequences for the pack ice. Over the last forty years, its surface area has shrunk by 10% to 15% per decade, while that of multi-year ice has fallen by 70%.

In this context, the Last Ice Area, which is still one of the areas where the ice does not disappear during the summer, appears to be one of the last sanctuaries of the Arctic Ocean, and a remarkable ground for research. Time is running out: just a few years ago, it was thought that the Arctic's multi-year ice would disappear by 2050. Today, studies show that it will be more like 2035.

The REFUGE-ARCTIC goal is to launch an ambitious expedition "with the widest possible range of scientists on board, in order to better characterize this exceptional environment". REFUGE-ARCTIC will enable us to study past climate-related processes and look to the future. We're talking about studies on ocean/atmosphere exchanges, the extent and thickness of sea ice, trace elements in the water column, the freshwater input from melting glaciers, acidification, water warming, the genomics of micro-organisms and unique ecosystems.

REFUGE-ARCTIC will enable us to establish a baseline and study the impact of climate change on this unique refuge in a changing Arctic ocean.

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